• Port Everglades Association

    Florida's Premier Port Business organization promoting the growth of Port Everglades Since 1979

    PEA serves as a bridge between public and private interests to facilitate the Port's achievement of its rightful place as a leader in the ranks of America's port ocean commerce.

  • September 14 2018


    Friday, September 14, 2018

    Board of Directors Meeting


    Reception Sponsor:

    “Port Everglades Master/Vision Plan Update: Phase I future market assestment for cruise,

    cargo and liquid bulk”

    This will be the first presentation by the consulting team on the Phase I results. These projections provide the basis for berth and upland demand to allow for future growth, and lead into Phase II which identifies investments, policies, land uses and other strategic actions.



    Dr. Natacha J. Yacinthe

    Port Project Manager
    Port Everglades Lead Planner


    Mark Ittel
    Consultant Project Manager
    Sr. Vice President Bermello Ajamil & Partners

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